PrinterLogic Print Management

PrinterLogic Print Management est un logiciel de gestion d’impression qui permet aux entreprises de gérer leurs imprimantes de manière plus efficace et économique. Il offre une approche centrée sur l’utilisateur pour la gestion des imprimantes, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de facilement trouver et installer les imprimantes dont ils ont besoin. Le logiciel offre également des fonctionnalités avancées de gestion des travaux d’impression, notamment la possibilité d’attribuer des quotas d’impression aux utilisateurs et de suivre les travaux d’impression à des fins de facturation et d’audit. PrinterLogic Print Management est disponible en tant que licence perpétuelle ou en tant que service cloud, offrant aux entreprises une flexibilité maximale dans le choix de la solution qui convient le mieux à leurs besoins.


PrinterLogic Print Management is a powerful software solution designed to help organizations manage and optimize their printing infrastructure. With PrinterLogic, businesses can gain complete control over their printing environment, reducing waste and improving productivity.


The PrinterLogic Print Management solution offers a wide range of features and benefits for businesses of all sizes, including:

  • Centralized Management: PrinterLogic provides a single, centralized console for managing all printing activities across an organization, making it easier to track usage, set policies, and troubleshoot issues.
  • Driver Management: The software simplifies printer driver management by automatically deploying the correct drivers to end-user workstations.
  • Mobile Printing: PrinterLogic enables users to print from any device, including smartphones and tablets, using a secure, web-based interface.
  • Secure Printing: PrinterLogic provides secure printing options, including pull printing and user authentication, to help prevent sensitive documents from being left unattended at the printer.
  • Cost Savings: By optimizing printing infrastructure and reducing waste, PrinterLogic can help businesses save money on printing costs.

Some of the benefits of using PrinterLogic Print Management include:

  • Increased Productivity: With simplified management and mobile printing options, PrinterLogic can help users get more done in less time.
  • Reduced Waste: By optimizing printing infrastructure and providing secure printing options, PrinterLogic can help organizations reduce paper and toner waste.
  • Improved Security: PrinterLogic provides secure printing options, including pull printing and user authentication, to help prevent sensitive documents from being left unattended at the printer.
  • Cost Savings: By optimizing printing infrastructure and reducing waste, PrinterLogic can help businesses save money on printing costs.

In addition to the PrinterLogic Print Management software solution, DISKOD offers a range of services to help organizations implement, customize, and optimize their printing infrastructure. These services include:

  • Consulting and Audit: DISKOD provides consulting and audit services to help organizations assess their printing needs and develop a customized print management strategy.
  • Installation and Integration: DISKOD’s team of experts can install and integrate the PrinterLogic software with existing systems to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Training and Support: DISKOD offers training and support services to help users get the most out of the PrinterLogic software and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

With PrinterLogic Print Management and DISKOD’s comprehensive range of services, businesses can take control of their printing infrastructure and improve productivity, reduce waste, and save money.

Informations complémentaires

Catégorie Logiciel

Logiciel de gestion de projet


Adobe Creative Suite, Vmware




Allemand, Anglais, Arabe, Espagnol, Portugais


Sécurité renforcée


Linux, MacOS, Windows

Type de Licence

Abonnement Annuel, Cloud


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